The RRA Network recently launched the
ResRA (Re-searching Rainfed Agriculture) group, as part of its strategic
commitment to knowledge for sustainable and equitable development of
rainfed areas.The ResRA group is facilitating the RRA Network Internship Programme.
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Summer Intern with RRA Network |
The internship programme has been conceived with the objective of
creating learning opportunities that will catalyse the interest,
creativity and commitment of students pursuing their Bachelors and
Masters degree from diverse disciplines to acquire and use their
knowledge and skills for understanding of rainfed areas. The RRA Network
can support up to 12 interns this summer.
More information about the internship programme can be found at on the network homepage and the particulars on summer intern here.
Research Hypotheses and Questions in Rainfed Agriculture
Argument: Water management in rainfed agriculture
should build the perspective of “water-as-protection” away from that of
intensive exploitation of water resources. The key task is to operationalise
the concept of Rainfall Use Efficiency (RUE - productivity per unit of
rainfall) in management of both surface and groundwater.
irrigation can
lead to x-fold increase in
lead to significantly increased
income; and
lead to enhanced food security for
small and marginal farmers
What are the key methods available
for management of soil moisture and providing protective to maximise rainfall
use efficiency in rainfed agriculture?
What is the incentive structure
required for soil moisture management, protective irrigation and
operationalisation of the concept of RUE?
What are the key challenges of
sustainable management of groundwater resources from the perspective of
water-as-protection in rainfed areas?
What is the impact of a) soil
moisture management; b) groundwater management and c) protective irrigation
o soil
moisture availability?
o plant
o household
What is the unit cost and investment
required in a) soil moisture management; b) groundwater management and c)
protective irrigation?
Which are the ongoing programmes
through which the programme of water management in rainfed areas could be
upscaled to mobilise public investment? What are the necessary changes in the
programme architecture of ongoing programmes required to promote such upscaling?
Argument: The approach to soil fertility has to move
away from adding nutrients to the soil to maintaining soil health, reducing
soil erosion and enhancing the water holding capacity of soils.
Addition of organic matter @2 tonnes
per acre per year can enhance soil health, ensure crop productivity, reduce
cost of cultivation and increase farm incomes.
Though farmers realise the
importance of soil organic matter, there are some systemic bottlenecks
(financial, labour, natural resource based) that need to be overcome for wide
adoption of such practices. These bottlenecks can be overcome through public
investment and capacity building of communities.
What are the ways to add bulk
organic matter to soil under different rainfed conditions? Does this norm of
2 tonnes per acre per year vary in different rainfed typologies?
What is the structure of incentives
and key areas of public investment essential for facilitating application of
organic matter to soils to enhance soil productivity?
What is the impact of addition of
organic matter to soil on:
o soil
properties (physical, chemical and hydrological)
o crop
o cost
of inputs
o farm
What are the best uses of organic
amendments to cropping systems by farmers to improve soil nutrients and water
holding capacities and thereby assist in restoring agro-ecosystems
Which are the ongoing programmes
through which the soil productivity enhancement programmes could be upscaled?
What are the necessary changes in the programme architecture of ongoing
programmes required to promote such upscaling?
security in rainfed agriculture requires that a locally managed,
decentralised seed system is place to provide timely supply of quality seeds of
a wide range of seed options in sufficient quantities.
The absence of timely availability
of adequate quantities of contingent seeds is key factor responsible for the
uncertainty and poor returns inherent in rainfed farming
Farmers use hybrid seeds because of
the non-availability of non-hybrid seeds. If non-hybrid seeds are provided,
then farmers in rainfed areas would prefer these over hybrids on the
consideration of enhanced seed security through farmer-saved seeds.
A considerable amount of the subsidy
provided on seeds in India goes to the corporate sector and not to the
What are the available methods of
ensuring seed security in rainfed agriculture through locally managed,
decentralised seed systems?
What is the structure of incentives
required for local communities to develop their own seed storage and
distribution systems?
How do we assess the impact of a
locally managed, decentralised seed system on
o timely
availability of seeds
o quality
of seeds
o farm
o farm
How does a locally managed,
decentralised seed system compare with current system of seeds in terms of
the cost of providing seeds to the farmers?
Which are the ongoing programmes
through which the soil productivity enhancement programmes could be upscaled?
What are the necessary changes in the programme architecture of ongoing
programmes required to promote such upscaling?
Argument: A diversified cropping system, in which
millets play a crucial role, is essential for household food security and
enhancement of the resilience of rainfed agriculture to climate-related
vulnerability. Farm forestry and tree crops play a critical role in this
diversified farming system.
The easy availability of rice and
wheat in the PDS is responsible for the reduction in acreage devoted to
The difficulties of processing
millets are responsible for lower preference of millets compared with rice
and wheat.
A 25% allocation of millets to the
PDS basket will lead to a xxx% increase in acreage under millets; yyy%
reduction in agricultural water consumption, and higher nutrition security.
Devoting 25% of the grains procured
for mid-day meals scheme to millets will lead to a xxx% increase in acreage
under millets; and yyy% reduction in agricultural water consumption and
higher nutrional security.
Farm forestry and vegetation of
“wastelands” and commons is vital for poverty reduction in rainfed areas.
What are the millet-based cropping
systems available for the different natural resource configurations in
rainfed agriculture?
Which are the prominent millet
growing regions in rainfed India? What is the millets share (percentage) in
the household food grain consumption across districts at present, 10, 20
years back?
Why has the area under millets
cultivation declined in these regions?
What is the incentive price that
stimulates household demand for millets? Are there any other drivers, say,
for e.g., value added products?
What are the types of incentives
(price, subsidy, public investment) needed to promote a millets-based cropping
Evaluate INSIMP program –Does stand
alone productivity enhancement activities enhance millets area?
What is the impact of millets
cultivation on rainfed agriculture in terms of
o soil
o food
o climate
What is the economics of millets
cultivation in terms of per hectare costs, returns and profitability? How can
this system be compared to a conventional irrigated cropping system?
What are the macro-economic
implications of a 10-25% shift towards millets in the public funded and food
entitlements-based programmes (PDS, ICDS, MDMS etc.) – implications in terms
of water use, saving of electricity, fertiliser consumption, quality of land
and household nutrition levels?
Which species of trees need to be
promoted for wasteland afforestation and revegetation of common land?
What is the role of contract farming
in tree crops? What are the institutional mechanisms required for productive
utilisation of the so-called wastelands or commons through community effort?
Argument: Sustainable crop management practices of
NPM agriculture reduces cost of cultivation, enhances soil health and reduces
chemical contamination of food and water.
High premiums and uncertain
availability are key factors that have served as bottlenecks to urban
consumption of organic produce.
There exists a market for the NPM
produce where the customers are willing to pay a 15% premium for NPM produce.
An NPM based Participatory Guarantee
System and development of NPM label provide benefits of certification and
market access to a large number of small and marginal farmers in rainfed
areas who are “default organic” farmers.
What are the locally appropriate and
low cost plant protection technologies available for NPM agriculture? What is
the type of research required to develop such technologies?
How can the farmers be incentivised
to adopt the NPM agricultural practices?
What is the impact of NPM
agriculture on
o Crop
productivity (Is there a yield drop? For how many years?)
o Soil
o Farm
o Chemical
contamination of food and water
What is the cost economics of an NPM
based farming system compared to the conventional system?
How can NPM agriculture be upscaled
through ongoing programmes like the RKVY?
Can pest management be converted to
a public good through agro-advisories and public support systems?
Argument: The existing livestock support systems for
market access, animal healthcare and risk minimisation need to be re-designed
to suit the specific needs of rainfed agriculture and to match the types of
livestock holdings in such areas.
Animal husbandry systems based on
low-input, indigenous breeds are more suited to high-input, cross-bred cattle
in rainfed areas. With adequate support, they can perform better than the
Poor delivery of animal health
services is a key factor for high morbidity and mortality observed among
livestock holdings in rainfed areas.
The small ruminant sector is the
fastest growing animal husbandry sector in the country.
Small ruminant management, with high
quality health care, provides a realistic route out of poverty.
Management of backyard poultry
provides a route out of poverty
Identify components of a sustainable
livestock system for rainfed areas. The system will have:
o Identification
of varieties suitable to different contexts
o Creation
of a strong water infrastructure and fodder base
o Creation
of animal healthcare systems
o Creation
of market structures for livestock products
o Risk
minimisation through insurance
o Linking
these activities with producer organisations and SHGs
What are the livestock mortality
rates in rainfed areas and what is the status of livestock health care
services? A quick survey across different states may bring out the basic
issues on board statistically. This quick survey can be taken up by different
field partner organisations.
How can we incentivise farmers to
move towards locally appropriate forms of animal husbandry systems and
practices? What are the key shifts required?
How do we incentivise backyard poultry as a
sustainable activity? Analyse backyard poultry as a production system and its
role in the overall poultry sector.
What is the impact of a
well-functioning animal healthcare system on calf mortality, animal health
and household incomes? Does insurance help households to minimise risk?
What is the scope to link livestock
systems and essential services with ongoing public investment programmes like
What is the institutional back-up
and support required for carrying forward livestock rearing (including small
ruminants and backyard poultry) as an economic activity in rainfed areas?
What are the institutional models available?
Argument: Fisheries and acquaculture are significant
livelihood activities in rainfed areas. The existing fisheries support
systems need to be adapted and modified to take care of the specific needs of
rainfed fisheries.
The non-availability of fish fry is
a key bottleneck to making inland fisheries sustainable and profitable.
Institutional reform is likely to be
a key factor in transforming the viability of inland fisheries.
What are the existing methods and
technologies of rainfed fish production? How can this system be made more
What are the existing management
systems for rainfed fisheries? How can the rights of the landless households
be recognised and incorporated in rainfed fisheries?
What are the incentives required for
farmers to take up fisheries as an income generating activity in rainfed
areas? What is the nature of public investment support required for this?
Examine the economics of sustainable
fisheries development in rainfed agriculture. How does this cost and returns
compare with other forms of fisheries development?
How can a programme of rainfed
fisheries be linked to and upscaled through the ongoing public investment
Argument: Locally appropriate farm mechanisation is
essential in rainfed agriculture.
What are the implications of
mechanization on agricultural labour and food security? Is the impact of
mechanisation in rainfed areas disproportionately on women (i.e., the gender
aspects of farm mechanisation)?
What is the macro-economic
significance of animal draft power (for agriculture and transport of produce)
in rainfed areas? What is its significance for small holders?
What would be the desired
mechanisation for rainfed areas?
What are the institutional
mechanisms available for farm mechanisaion for small holders
How can a locally appropriate farm
mechanisation be incentivised?
Argument: The System of Rice Intensification (SRI –
or more generally, the System of Crop Intensification – SCI) marks a paradigm
shift in management of land, labour, water and resources in a rainfed farming
SRI/SCI is a sustainable crop
management system appropriate for rainfed areas in terms of cost, returns,
labour use and maintenance of soil health.
There are some financial and
behavioural bottlenecks to full transition to SRI/SCI in rainfed areas, which
can be overcome through carefully planned transitional investments.
What are the key steps involved in
establishing SRI as a viable option in rainfed areas? What are the
innovations and experimentation required to further strengthen SRI?
What are the incentives and
transitional investments necessary for farmers to move into SRI? How can they
be structures to facilitate uptake by all classes of farmers?
What is the impact of SRI on crop
yields, labour sue, input use and soil health? How does SRI enhance household
What is the economics of SRI? What
are the major costs and returns?
How can SRI be integrated with
MGNREGA and other such programmes? Can these programmes be structures in a
way that they take care of the necessary transitional investments for a
minimum number of years?
Argument: Smallholder farmers in rainfed areas need
to be supported by several key institutions (for production, marketing,
finance, research & extension and capacity building services). These
institutions are required to provide key technical services, increase market
access of smallholders through aggregation and to undertake essential
infrastructure investments in rainfed agriculture.
What are the appropriate forms of
producer organisations needed to address specific issues of small and
marginal farmers in rainfed areas?
What are the existing legal spaces
available for developing producer organisaitons? How can these be utilised to
foster new institutions of the people in rainfed areas?
What is the institutional framework
required for marketing, finance, research and extension services in rainfed
agriculture? What are the principal shortcomings of the existing
institutional mechanisms and how could they be overcome?
Are SHG Institutions relevant for
agricultural development? (not only for credit but also for value addition
and service delivery)?
What are the principal capacity
building needs of farmers and PRIs in
rainfed areas. What type of institutional framework could be envisaged to meet these needs?
What is the performance, problems
and potentials of producer companies as New Generation Co-operatives? Are
they relevant for small holders?
What are the promotional
(establishment) investments required to develop these producer organisations?
How the extension system to be
redesigned? Is there a case for community based extension?
How the extension system to be
redesigned? Is there a case for community based institutions for extension
What were the investments on
farmers’ organisation so far? Why this has to be (whether it is) exclusively
dependent on voluntary action / with donor funds?
How can the role of producer
organisations be integrated with the implementation of programmes like NRLM?
Services to the Poor
Argument: The poor actively participate in financial
markets to get a wide range of financial services. Easy and affordable access
to a wide range of financial services is crucial for the survival of small
and marginal farmers in rainfed areas.
Small and marginal farmers actively
participate in financial market – i.e., they can save, productively use
credit and repay borrowed amount with interest and participate in insurance
The reach of formal sources providing
financial services such as banks, co-operatives, insurance companies etc., is
low in rainfed areas. The small and marginal farmers, in particular, depend
on a range of informal sources to meet their essential financial needs.
Institutional innovations like SHGs offer a
range of financial products to the poor in rainfed areas which are suited to
their needs and types of cash flow.
Key Questions:
What are the key avenues available
for financial saving by smallholder households in rainfed areas? Are the
conventional saving products offered by the formal system adequate to meet
their needs? Is there a case of devising new saving products to help
smallholders in rainfed agriculture to build their savings and capital base?
What is the outreach of formal
credit system and financial institutions in rainfed areas? What proportion of
the household’s financial need to they meet?
What is the outreach of the new
sources of credit like the SHGs in rainfed areas? What are the critical
bottlenecks preventing their expansion?
Is there sufficient evidence of
smallholder and landless labour exclusion from credit sector? If yes, what
are the major reasons for this exclusion?
What is the reach and role of KCC
and smart cards in rainfed areas?
What is the reach and role of the
Warehouse Receipts System? Do banks in rainfed areas accept warehouse
receipts as liquid assets?
What is the status of insurance
services in rainfed areas? What are the critical bottlenecks preventing the
adoption of insurance as a risk-distribution mechanism?
What is the reason for the poor
performance of crop and livestock insurance in rainfed agriculture? Are
options like weather-based crop insurance adequate as a risk cover mechanism?
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Summer Intern with RRA Network |